Sunday, April 15, 2012

Your Job - What's Love Got to Do With It??


Long haul driving is for many solo drivers, LONELY. It is much more exciting and less boring to team drive with a compatible co-driver, especially if the team is in love.

What are the pros and cons of solo driving versus team driving?

I'll just point out a few here. Most people reading this know all of them I'm sure but I hope to see comments posted to my short list that will start an open discussion:

  • Some people like solo driving and are not a candidate for sharing their condo space or the wheel. But for others they dislike the lonliness, enjoy sharing their space and love having a partnership, IF it's compatible.
  • The reason that 99% of the drivers who sign up for trucker dating sites like mine,, is they not only want a co-driver, they want the co-driver relationship to be a loving, committed relationship. Also drivers post to trucker dating sites so they can find someone who understnads and accepts their job's lifestyle. Most are only off the truck about 42 days per year! That is the #1 reason.
  • Whether or not the driver's significant other is on the truck as their co-driver or jump seat passenger, a loving relationship is their goal. When a driver is in that kind of relationship, he or she is happier, less prone to road rage and believe it or not, loves what they do in most cases, even more. Happy drivers are safer drivers!
  • Sharing a 2x4 space with someone, 24/7 is a huge challenge for some people. A lot of compromise is required.
  • Sharing the driving for many is out of the question. They don't mind a passenger but they can't rest or sleep with anyone other than themsleves under the wheel.
  • Hygiene is often times a problem when one of the team doesn't bathe often enough.
  • Not being compatible on more than 1 or 2 levels is the #1 reason some will not team.
As I said, mine is the short list. Please add to this list or make your comments on how and/or why you like to team or not. We might all get a better understanding of what sharing the road and truck should be and what those who think sharing it with a person they love would be or not be a great idea. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you leave a comment!


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