Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ladies & Gents, What is Normal?

What is accepted as NORMAL by the entire world for the gender of a truck driver? You guessed it!
MEN. Women comprise approximately 6% of the male driver pool for over the road commercial truck operators. In today's so called liberal society, should this be the norm?

Now I admit this is true; the stance some have chosen to relentlessly pursue (who are certainly the minority) has morphed into a witch hunt. What accomplishments this small vigilante group can take credit for I haven't a clue other than they have used the information highway for airing their grievances led by a ex-newbie female driver who knows how to work the online and real world media to their advantage. Bashing and name calling will get attention but the end results 99% of the time is negative and presents to the world at large their skewed point of view with a modicum of truth laced with false accusations, sensationalism and  self appointed whistle blowers who seek justice.

On the other hand there is one organization, Women in Trucking, made up of high profile board members and a supportive driver member community, including male drivers, that truly is making a difference for women behind the wheel in a positive way. The unique difference is this well respected organization helps create actual solutions without stooping to vigilante tactics.

WIT's goal of facilitating an exchange of ideas and attitude change developed between the 'powers that be' and male and female truck drivers not only results in solutions but highlights individual accomplishments of women in the trucking industry through their online My Stories found Here, honor awards and positive media coverage.
Women in Trucking has created a pathway to meaningful and lasting change reaching those who are genuinely sincere about their mission and goals.

All parties involved are brought together to discuss and reason out certain issues to find lasting solutions; i.e. ergonomic driver seat, encouraging female trainers for female students, to strengthen the legacy of education in trucking and the list goes on. While not a political group that addresses political issues, WIT is certainly paving the way for uniting the employers, customers and employees of trucking in order to promote positive change, improve working relationships and encourage women to become a part of the industry as a female professional driver.

Welcome to NORMAL.

Please post your comments!

Marge Bailey/CEO/Founder
Founding WIT Board Member
The DriverFinder Network

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