Friday, August 17, 2012

Romney/Ryan Ticket - I Like This Better!

Augsut 19, 2012
Thoughts by Marge

I don't get too involved with politics, at least not usually but just like the last election, this one is extremely important. I wasn't much of a Romney fan until he made Ryan his running mate. NOW I see a little hope for our country's future. No matter if I agree with all of Ryan's bills and his opinions but at least he is courageous, doesn't pander to the extreme right and has written a few bills AND is the leader in killing Obama Care. Democrats have been trying for years to dig up some dirt on Ryan but haven't been successful so maybe we now will have an honest, clean, America loving man in the White House on the ready to be president should something happen to Romney.

Photo: This election is a choice between two visions for our nation's future. Paul and I have a positive agenda that will lead to economic growth, and more jobs and higher take-home pay for middle-class Americans.

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